Manchester and Differential Manchester Encoding
Here I have written a simple code in c++ which is an implementation of Manchester and Differential Manchester. In this encoding scheme, we need to draw a graph indicating Negative (below neutral Line) and Positive(above neutral line). So I have made an assumption as 0 as Postive and 1 as Negative initially.
While Running a program User is asked to enter the number of bits and once entered then ask to enter the bitstream one by one. It is Necessary to mention a previous bit so that it provides an output accordingly and then it enters a for loop. For Manchester, If it encounters a bit as "0" then it will trigger "01" and if it encounters a bit as "1" then triggers "10".
C++ Program To Implement Manchester & Differential Manchester
using namespace std;
int main()
int n,bit;
int bitstream[50];
cout<<"Assumption : 0 -> +ve and 1 -> -ve"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the number of Bits : ";
cout<<"Enter the Bitstream : ";
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
cout<<"Enter Previous Bit : ";
cout<<"Manchester Encoding : ";
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
if(bitstream[i] == 0)
cout<<"01 ";
if(bitstream[i] == 1)
cout<<"10 ";
cout<<endl<<"Differential Manchester Encoding : ";
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
if(bit == 0)
{ cout<<"10 "; bit=0; }
{ cout<<"01 "; bit = 1; }
if(bit == 0)
{ cout<<"01 "; bit = 1; }
{ cout<<"10 "; bit=0; }
return 0;
Assumption : 0 -> +ve and 1 -> -ve
Enter the number of Bits : 9
Enter the Bitstream : 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
Enter Previous Bit : 0
Manchester Encoding : 01 10 01 01 10 10 10 01 10
Differential Manchester Encoding : 10 01 01 01 10 01 10 10 01
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tags: Manchester Encoding, Differential Manchester Encoding,programming language, learn programming, computer networks, computer network,computer network coding.